Quote Request

Contact Synergy Race Timing

  • Do you have questions?
  • Do you need a race timing quote for your next event?
  • Need to make a change or missing your time?

Mailing Address

Synergy Race Timing
813 Harbor Blvd # 305
West Sacramento, CA 95691



Inflatable finish line with timer

Ready for a Quote?

Tell Us About Your Next Race Event.

Thank you for your interest in Synergy Race Timing. Whether you are ready to get your event off to an impressive start, or would like to improve your current event, the professionals at Synergy Race Timing can help you. To get in touch with us about your next event, please use our quote request form and we will be in touch shortly.

Quote Request and Contact

Contact Information


Quote Request Details

Enter TBD if unknown.
Serving Northern California, Central California and Northern Nevada
Is this the first year of event?

Your Race Information

I need…
Please provide Race Name, Location and Date.
Do you know your bib number?

More Info